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Looking for Meld : For staff only.

Performance 4,000 Gil

 - Bard Performance

 - Dancing

Private Companionship [ 30k / 15 min per person]

- Staff will choose one of the place listed below for private chat with our staff

* Indoor Cafe Area                   * Outdoor Cafe Area

- You can extend time to maximum 30 minute if there's low traffic in cafe

* If we have few customers at that time you can ask them for this service for no charge

~ Cheki ~ Free (Beta test)

Staff will take a free polaroid picture of you and your favorite staff....or you want to take it with someone really special to you? then feel free to ask our staff!

~ Sign Cheki ~ 2,000 Gil (Beta test)

Photographer staff will take a memorial picture of you and your favorite staff in cute polaroid picture that come with a cute sign from them !


We'll post the sign cheki in our Twitter account (@SaintAmour_ff14) in 1-2 days so please keep an eye on our account!


Special Service


Seasonal Service : Coming Soon

Date 100,000 Gil / 30 mins

 - Date with staff afterwork.

 - Customer can choose place for date but not their own estate.

 - You can extend time to maximum 2 hours.

 - Can ask staff if they want to date in maid/butler character or their normal self.

 * staffs have right to decline your request*


Saint Amour

Maid & Butler Cafe

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