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Our Roleplay Types

• Roleplaying : 
• Casual Roleplaying :
• Casual Talk :
Staff will stay In Character (IC) and will talk in Eorzea settings/lores
Staff will stay IC but can talk in other settings like irl, raid prog, etc.
Staff will be Out of Character (OOC) and can talk with anything you like to talk with them (but please keep chat civil.)


- This is RP venue and not the place for AFK / Casual talk (please keep in /tell or /party)
- Please keep chat civil for both casual / RP talk (no heavy irl problem or being rude)
- Please try to keep RP talk in Eorzea setting / lores as possible

- Please hide your weapon and dismiss your minion when in cafe
- Please refrain from running
- Looking to Meld Materia (Yellow) is reserved for staff only
- /shout and /yell is reserved for staff only
- No harassment on staff and customer
- No Skill / Emote log spam
- No recording or streaming
- Some of us is new to roleplaying so we apologize in advance if we can't satisfy you
- We only provide roleplay experience in cafe only

Basic Roleplay

- If you wish to Roleplay please put on RP status.
- "  " is for IC (In Character) talk

- you can do /em or says your emotion after finish IC talk
- ((   )) is for OOC (Out of Character) talk
Last note
Feel free to rp to your liking style. This is just a basic guide for beginner or someone who doesn't know where to start rp

Saint Amour

Maid & Butler Cafe

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