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Ormr Kishna

Living Disaster

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"I'm not food. The things on the menu are."


Ormr Kishna


Au Ra (Xaela/Raen Mix)


Confident, Wild, Feral


Alcohol, Fish, Yol

Bitter Gourds

A runaway from the Steppes, she was found injured by her foster father in Ishgard before joining their fold and becoming a mercenary alongside her foster father's daughter who works as an informant. Ormr is a wanted woman in the Steppes hence she avoids using her real name. She shares the same "name" with her foster family in order to throw off assailants and confuse people.

She was forced by her elder Viera sister to cover for her shift whilst the elder went out doing who knows what.


Roleplay, Casual Roleplay, Casual Talk 

- Private Companionship

- Date

Saint Amour

Maid & Butler Cafe

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